Hi Horns Music!
"You really have to play one!" - hihornsmusic@gmail.com

Trade-In Value of Your "Entry Level" Trumpet Package

Immediately after your purchase of an “entry level” trumpet package from Hi Horns Music, your instrument is potentially worth more than you paid for it!

This sale guarantees the original purchaser a discount of 30% off the published manufacturers list price of any single new trumpet that you choose to buy from Hi Horns Musics inventory.


What does this mean?  This means, for example, that if you chose to purchase any “Intermediate/Pro”    Trumpet Package from Hi Horns Music, any time in the future, the money you spent on the “Entry Level” Trumpet Package will be worth at least $400.00 as a discount off the published list price of the Intermediate/Pro Trumpet Package. Guaranteed!


This offer is not contingent on the length of time the entry level trumpet has been in use or the condition of that trumpet.  This offer is not contingent on trading in your entry level trumpet.  You get to keep your entry level trumpet!


This means the student will benefit from the convenience of two instruments

  • One for school and one for home (no need to carry back and forth for practicing)
  • A fine instrument for indoor concert performance and another for outdoor venues

This offer is limited to original purchasers of any Hi Horns Music “Entry Level” Trumpet Package.

This offer is limited to the purchase of one new trumpet from the Hi Horns Music inventory as described in its current list price catalogue.